Sunday, August 25, 2013

Craig Interviews Alwyn on his Fitness Business

This could be arriving at your doorstep each month...
As part of the TT Certification continuing education, we deliver two brand
new, cutting-edge interviews each month. You'll get a report and audio of:
A) Advanced Fitness Business Tips from legends like Alwyn Cosgrove,
     Rachel Cosgrove, Bedros Keuilian, and many others.
B) Insider Training Secrets from world-famous fitness experts like Todd Durkin,
    Dr. John Berardi, The Cosgroves, and the TOP TT Trainers themselves.
Here's a sample...listen to this AWESOME call I did with Alwyn recently where
he shares the full story of how he and Rachel created America's most profitable
gym (per sq foot). In 10 years they went from 600 sq feet to over 7,000 sq feet. 
It's systematized and automated so that he rarely even has to step foot 
in the facility. His office is across the road. And he can travel the world
while the gym makes money.
Use these secrets to transform your fitness business.
Use these tips to help more people.
Let's change lives.
Let's bring more professionalism to the fitness industry.
Let's do this together.
See you next year at the TT Summit - if not sooner.
To changing the fitness industry,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Training
PS - Here are 10 NEW opportunities for you... support our TT 10 Million Transformation and change the industry.

1.    Create Amazing YouTube videos with our TT YouTube secrets
2.    Help produce the Turbulence Training newsletter content & research
3.    Host the NEW and IMPROVED TT Podcast
4.    Create 6-Figure Fitness Info products - Like Shawna, Mikey, Kate, & Dani W.
5.    Grow your own TT-Fit Body Bootcamp location
6.    Get your clients in the 18th TT Transformation Contest: <= Starts Sunday, September 1st
7.    Write nutrition articles, videos, & info products for
8.    Manual creation (help us make TT products look even more stunning)
9.    Copywriting - Learn a valuable skill and grow the TT World!
10.  Join the TT Member's site Experts like Dani Woodrum & Mikey Whitfield
Once you get started on the journey to becoming a Certified Turbulence Trainer,
just email Lesa, our TT Certification Co-Ordinator, to find out how you can
immediately become part of the TT Team and help us reach 10,000,000
Transformations for men and women all over the world.
Looking forward to you being a BIGGER part of the TT Family. 
Talk soon!

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