Saturday, August 03, 2013

10 huge opportunities in the fitness industry

If you are a pioneer when it comes to training, if you are the fitness leader
in your town, and if you are ready to take the next step in your career, 
then you need to know about a radically different, entirely new, infinitely
superior approach to succeeding in the fitness and fat loss industry.
(If you're not interested in making a big impact in the fitness world - or even
in your community, then this is NOT for you.)
Listen, times are a-changing. This isn't 2004 any more, when simply doing
one-on-one training for an hour session was acceptable. Clients don't want 
this, it's not changing the world, and science proves our workouts don't need
to be that long to get incredible results.
So what should you do?
The truth is that nothing short of re-invention will carry you to your loftiest goal
in life. And what Turbulence Training has for you is easier, simpler, faster, and
more profitable than any other system in the world.
You'll get full control of your life, being able to do what you want, when you
want, so that you have the time off that you want (and deserve).
If you're ready for more clients, better training techniques, and more results,
here's the great news.
Never before has there been so many opportunities in the Turbulence Training
World for you to contribute to our 10 Million Mission. In the last month,
Certified Turbulence Trainers have achieved the following:
  • Pete Cataldo has built out the Turbulence Training Pinterest page here:
  • Kate Vidulich and Shawna Kaminski ran product launches getting over two thousand new customers
  • Brian Kalakay and I filmed over 30 videos at his gym in Lapeer, Michigan
    (and then Kate and Shawna went there to film again this past weekend)
  • Ray Ortiz has been taking massive action on the first ever TT-FBBC bootcamp
  • Dennis Heenan (CTT candidate) joined Amy Dodd's team of TT Apprentices
    and has been doing an amazing job
  • Catherine Gordon, CTT of the Year, has been selling out her TT workouts
    at her studio
  • Rob King (TTC candidate) has been taking massive ACTION on his quest
    to be crowned the TT Trainer of the Year in 2014
  • And Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove have been OFFICIALLY signed on as our
    two guest speakers for the 2014 TT Summit event.
(PLEASE NOTE: The dates have changed for the 2014 TT Summit. It will be held
at a NEW hotel on Friday, June 6th and Saturday, June 7th, in sunny San Diego.
Details to come, and the TT Summit is FREE for all Certified TT Trainers.)

And yet despite all of these amazing success stories, there are so many opportunities
still remaining in our TT 10 Million Transformation. Here are the Top 10 ways that you
can help grow the Turbulence Training World.

1.    YouTube videos - Join Brian Kalakay and myself to make great videos
2.    Turbulence Training newsletter creation & research
3.    Hosting the NEW and IMPROVED TT Podcast
4.    Creating 6-Figure Fitness Info products - Like Shawna, Mikey, Kate, & Dani W.
5.    Growing your own TT-FBBC
6.    Getting your clients in the 18th TT Transformation Contest: <= Starts Sunday, September 1st
7.    Creating nutrition articles, videos, & info products
8.    Manual creation (help us make TT products look even more stunning)
9.    Copywriting - Learn a valuable skill and grow the TT World!
10.  TT Member's site Experts - Be like Dani Woodrum & Mikey Whitfield
Once you get started on the journey to becoming a Certified Turbulence Trainer,
just email Lesa, our TT Certification Co-Ordinator, to find out how you can
immediately become part of the TT Team and help us reach 10,000,000
Transformations for men and women all over the world.
Let's change lives.
Let's bring more professionalism to the fitness industry.
Let's do this together.
See you next year if not sooner,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Training
PS - There are still 3 spots left in our "First Fifty" Founder's Circle...
...and each of the first 50 CTT's will receive Lifetime upgrades to any new
benefits we offer, along with FIRST-ACCESS to any new and amazing
opportunities that I can pass along.
You are the Insiders.

You are the Leaders.
You are the Elite.
Looking forward to you being a BIGGER part of the TT Family. 
Talk soon!


  1. Derek Wahler10:00 PM

    This is awesome news, honestly I didn't even know there was a TT blog! I'll definitely email Lesa and see how I can get involved. I sent in my TT cert materials on July 22nd, I'm hoping to make it in time to get into the First Fifty Founder's Circle. Safe travels!
