Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ugh. Started the day off by cleaning up dog puke. Ol' Bally the Dog was given too many table scraps by his Grandma last night. He started getting sick around 4am. He's fine, of course, but when I take him back over there for his next vacation, she'll need to stick to feeding him dog food.

Today I am headed back to the gym after yesterday's glorious outdoor KB session.

My workout will be KB swings, Barbell Squats, Front Squats, and Leg Curls. Also, there will be some torso training including the Power Wheel and perhaps even some funky Dumbbell Bear Crawls.

That sounds like a good time. But do you know what my best workout is? Check this out...

The Winner of the Best Fat Burning Workout in the World has been announced:
- http://www.earlytorise.com/top-10-turbulence-training-workouts-of-all-time-2/

Of course, diet is so important when it comes to fat loss. So take a look at this. From my dear friend, Diana Keuilian, here are over 200 real food, kid-friendly recipes:
- http://realhealthyrecipes.com/category/fun-kid-favorites/

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
People who get results in the gym have a written plan/a structured program designed by a professional telling them how many sets and reps to use for each exercise, how long to rest, and every single minute in the gym is planned for. The same goes for nutrition. Every meal, every calorie, is accounted for in advance. Nothing is left to chance. If things were to be left up to the client, they’d blow it every time taking the easy way out.

It’s that simple. That’s integrity. Nothing is left to chance when you live by your personal rules.

“When you are not acting with integrity, your relationship with yourself, your associates, and your organization will suffer. When you are operating with integrity, you are coming from a place of wholeness, harmony, and connection.” – Dr. Gay Hendricks

"Act with integrity. Live up to your idea of who you are." - Frank McKinney

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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