Tuesday, June 25, 2013

TT Summit Update with Bally the Dog's Grandma

I just posted a photo on www.turbulencetrainingfanpage.com (because I have no idea how to post one here!) of Bally the Dog's Grandma and my great friend Bedros Keuilian celebrating at the post-TT Summit dinner for all Certified Turbulence Trainers.

Great times!

Make sure to save the dates of June 20-21st, 2014 to join us in San Diego for the 4th TT Summit!

For my next trick...it's a hardcore diet in July.

Yep, it's a crazy time (in Canada or America) to do a "Diet Depletion", but that's my plan...will you join me on July 1st to July 31st?

As I told my personal accountability partner...

Looking forward to a July "Diet Depletion". (I've had this planned for several weeks.) It's going to be hard-core gluten-free and dairy-free. It will be easy to do because I'll be at home most of the time. This will allow me to accurately judge how I feel when truly gluten free and also when I go off the gluten free and eat an "experimental" pizza on August 1st. I'll try to measure as many things as I can that would show my body's response to that level of strict nutrition.

Until then, here are 3 exercises you can do at home to strengten and carve a nice looking back
- http://j.mp/3AtHomeBackExercises

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you've imagined." - Henry David Thoreau

We all have bad habits. We also all have the power to change them. Leo Babauta from Zen Habits shows us how
- http://j.mp/CreatingANewNormal

Stay strong and get stronger,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - 2 great podcasts (what are your favorites?) to check...

1) Fat Burning Man (I was interviewed here a few months ago)
- http://www.fatburningman.com/tag/fat-burning-man-podcast/

2) My friend Matt Nichol's advanced training tips
- https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/matt-nichol-podcast/id631696696?mt=2


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