Friday, June 14, 2013

TT Summit and 4-Minute Workout and Personal Diet Updates

In exactly one week and 5 hours from now, the 3rd TT Summit will be kicking off in San Diego with some awesome bootcamp workouts. Friday morning will be with Mikey Whitfield, Kate Vidulich, and myself. And then Saturday morning will be with Martin Rooney.

But I think the highlight of the weekend will be crowning the TT Trainer of the Year on Saturday afternoon. So pumped for that.

For today though, there is no lifting. Instead, I'm heading back to the farm this weekend to visit ol' Bally the poochie dog. He's been spoiled out there by Grandma for two weeks. Time for him to do some hard training with the dog and going on some hikes.

While you can't go on a hike with us, you can do this 4-minute workout with me. Just follow along with the bouncing Craig in the 4-minute Rep Max workout...Hilarity ensues!

And if you ever get tired doing a jump squat, here's what to do

Tomorrow I'll go into the YMCA for a bench press workout.

And I'm back on my nutrition plan.

Damaging admission:

I must admit, I planned to take a break from gluten-free eating while in Barcelona. And so I did. There were no repercussions, as gluten doesn't bother me acutely. I enjoyed many great meals, but didn't go overboard on gluten-containing foods.

(Although I did go overboard on cashews in the Hotel Lobby bar at The Lanesborough Hotel on my last night in London.)

The trip to London and Barcelona was great, and you'll see many cool photos of it on my FB page, because I have no idea how to post photos here!

Now that I'm back in Toronto, I'm back on the gluten-free nutrition plan.

I might go no-dairy again in July since I'll be home for 4 weeks straight.

BTW, and I've mentioned this a few times, but I'm really enjoying "Paleo Protein Powder" - a combo of egg and beef protein. You can find it with a google search, and it comes in a big brown bag.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Share your success with others. Build others up, it will only make you more successful. If you are the one to lead and help and try to out-give the Universe, people will gravitate towards helping you in return.

Who can you help today? It’s important, because….."The more you help others, the faster you will get results." - Catherine Gordon, Certified Turbulence Trainer, author of Keep the Change

Never forget:
“You are responsible for exactly who, what, and where you are in life. That will be just as true this time next year. Situations aren’t important. How you react to them is. You have to play it where it lies.” – Kekich Credo #58

And another great one from Dave Kekich:

“Identify exactly what it is you want. This takes a lot of thought. Then don’t let anything stand in your way of getting it.” – Kekich Credo #56

Stay strong and keep on pushing on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - “Lead with passion and purpose.” – Bedros Keuilian

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