Saturday, June 15, 2013

Home Workouts and Meathead Training and TT Bootcamp Previews

Just finished putting together next Friday morning's bootcamp workouts for the 3rd Turbulence Training Summit in San Diego.

Attendees are going to get a great workout in just 30 minutes. We have 3 groups of 50 trainers that we need to get through in 90 minutes because we have a lot of content to get through over the rest of the day. We've almost tripled our attendance over last year.

And on the Saturday morning, June 22nd, the world-famous @martinrooney1 will be kicking butts in the bootcamps and then doing a 90-minute high-energy presentation to our group. Really excited for the weekend.

I'll share the workouts next week!

My #Meathead training today: Bench, row, pullups, close-grip pushups.

My buddy Dan Long's got 3 TRX exercises that are awesome for tightening and raising your butt. The second one looks weird, but it's great:

You know what else is great?

Here's proof:

"I just finished up the Home Workout Revolution 12 week program. Really enjoyed it. I'm really happy with the fat loss I was able to get during that time. I felt like my diet was pretty good but not great. I'm still working on that. I don't know how much bf% I lost during that time, but I would guess 5-6%. My starting weight was 162 lbs and my ending weight was 154 lbs. So I lost 8 pounds in 12 weeks while maintaining my muscle and toning some I think. Overall I'm really happy." – Jim Talbert

And more proof:
From last month's ETR LiveCast...follow along with the bouncing Craig in the 4-minute Rep Max workout...Hilarity ensues!

Today's Kickbutt Plan:
One of the biggest mistakes people make is not having a plan. That leads to wasted time (“what should I do today”) and no results.

30 minute challenge: Sit down and plan out your complete body transformation or at least your next 4-8 weeks of training – including everything from end goals, to getting started with nutrition changes, to overcoming all of the obstacles in your way. Planning will make a huge impact on actually achieving your goals.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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