Saturday, June 08, 2013

Habits in Barcelona

You will feel better about yourself if you learn to create habits and rituals that promote healthy eating and exercise. Success is a far better feeling than guilt. There is joy in discipline.

Here's a great example. Last night in Barcelona, I had a big dinner of roast suckling pig and some grilled squid appetizers. I also had 3 glasses of Spanish wine. (This was all at the fantastic Tragaluz restaurant -

But those were my limits. My rule is no more than 3 drinks. And I was full, so I didn't have dessert. I listened to my gut, so to speak.

By sticking to these habits, I avoided an extra glass of wine that would have left me with headache. I also avoided 300-500 calories of gelato (that I would not have truly enjoyed) and an overstuffed belly.

These wise decisions helped make this morning a great start. I'm ahead of schedule while some others are running behind.

Get your habits. Make your rules. And you will succeed.

Here's another good habit:
Skip the useless treadmill warm-up. This total body warm-up is way better (it's also exactly what I do before almost every workout)

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Who you know is more important than what you know because WHO you know will teach you WHAT you need to know.

Keep on pushing,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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