Friday, June 28, 2013

2013 challenge for you

2013 is half over this weekend. Are you on track for your goals?

One of my TT clients sure is...check this out:

"In week 2 of the TT Grindhouse workouts, it's really kicking some butt! Really enjoying the pull ups, that's my new goal for the summer of being 40. Completed my first century bike ride this spring. Thx for all your hard and inspiring workouts, they've really made a difference in my life and improved my poor self body image. I have 6 yr old twin girls and I look better now than before they were born! Cheers!" - Amy Gibson

Try that program here:

Because you can still do it. You can still make amazing progress in 2013.

Remember when you were a young, naïve, and innocent child and you had incredible dreams for the future…you can still make good on those dreams. You can learn, you can change, and you can achieve – as long as you are willing to plan, prepare, and do the work. It’s not easy. Nothing worth it ever is. But your drams are still within reach – if you are willing to keep reaching. Never, ever, ever give up on what is important to you.

Let's finish the last half of 2013 strong!

(Note...prefer the TRX? Here's the best suspension training program, bar none. No one knows TRX training like Dan Long)

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Get on track and finish 2013 strong.

You don't have bad just have learning opportunities.

Turn the bad into good.

This is how I did it...


Keep pushing,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Anyone ever try these?

Bison and bacon bars...I thought it was an SNL joke at first.

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