Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Personal Trainer of the Year

This guy is going to rock your world at the TT Summit.
Actually, these two guys (plus Martin Rooney, Adam Bornstein, John
Romaniello, Kate Vidulich, Brian Kalakay, Mikey Whitfield and more
are going to rock your world with their amazing secrets to success.
But today, I want to focus on two guys...first, Bedros Keuilian. I've 
specifically requested that he bring his most Politically Incorrect tips
for getting new clients and building a personal training business that 
supports your PERFECT life. And he's promised to do that for me.
And today, Bedros has a story about a trainer that will be at the TT 
Summit...a high-energy, overnight success story that you'll want
to meet. Bedros said that this trainer was more successful than me -
and even him - because of his near overnight success story.
I'll let Bedros explain...
The Successful Personal Trainer
By Bedros Keuilian
Let me tell you about a trainer who I wish I was more like when I first
started out in this industry.

Sean Francis is his name - The Phenomenon is what I call him.

I first met Sean at Fitness Business Summit 11, I don't recall thinking
that he was anything special...

Truthfully, he didn't think of himself as anything special either, I'll tell
you how I know that in a moment.

Little did I know that back in 2010 - 2011 Sean was making only a couple
thousand dollars a month running his two outdoor boot camp locations.

He was struggling to make ends meet.

He was in constant frustration trying to figure out his business.

His business frustrations where starting to affect things at home with his
wife and daughter.

Things could have gone bad really quickly...

By the time he got to Fitness Business Summit 11 he was looking for
something new to try try to save his business

Apparently at some point during that weekend I took the stage and
offered my 7 Figure Formula Mastermind program.

Sean didn't act - he told himself "I'm not ready".

Later that day when he went to the restroom he wife filled out a
mastermind application for him and turned it in.

At the end of the weekend he was surprised to hear his name called
off as one of the new members of my 7 Figure Formula coaching program.

Bewildered he took the stage with all of the rest of the new members.

Here's what happened next...

Within a couple of after the first mastermind meeting Sean grew his
income to just over $9,000 a month.

A couple month after the second mastermind meeting Sean took his
boot camp revenue to $16,000/month and a few months after that
he took it up to $20,000 a month.

The man was on fire - unstoppable!

The next year at Fitness Business Summit 12 Sean shared his story of
how he had struggled with his business, and how he was frustrated with
it's growth and lack of success success, and how while he didn't believe
in himself enough to join the mastermind - his wife did, and signed him.

The audience voted and Sean was the winner of the Land Rover that I
give away each year at FBS.

Well deserved.

It was like a switch had flipped in Sean...and it could for YOU, too

Just a few months after winning the Land Rover, Sean decided to open
up a Fit Body Boot Camp location.

True to form, within the first 6 days of opening he had filled his FBBC
location up with 100 paying clients - mostly from his email list and the
pre-grand opening Facebook promotion that coach Fernando here at the
HQ helped him set up.

As you can Imagine, I had to ask Sean to take the stage at FBS13 and
share how he found success so quickly.

The words out of Sean's mouth when I asked him to present in front of
500 plus fitness pros where something to the effect of "Holy cow!".

Like many of us Sean had never spoken to an audience that big...

...and like many of us, he was terrified by the though of public speaking.

Within minutes though he shook off the fear, looked across the room to
Dan Ritchie (another super successful fitness expert from the 7 Figure
Mastermind group) and asked Dan, who had spoken at FBS the previous
year, if he would give him some tips.

It's good to have a network of trusted and successful friends to turn to at
times like that :-)

Just last month Sean took the stage at FBS13 and ROCKED it!

Every presenter at FBS13 rocked it out and brought their A game because
they were competing for $2,000 of my money for their favorite charity
- but Sean CRUSHED IT and won the best presenter award.

He not only won the best presenter award and money for his charity,
he also won the PT Power 2013 Personal Trainer of the Year award
as well.

To date Sean is the ONLY one to have won the Land Rover, the Best
Presenter award AND the Personal Trainer of the Year award.

A trifecta!

And last week when Craig announced that registration for his TT Summit
was open, Sean was the first to sign up for that too.

Success is attracted to action.
I have a suspicion that Sean's going to take what he learns at the TT Summit
in June and use it to help even more people and grow his businesses further.

What an inspiration.

Here's a guy who just two years ago didn't believe in himself enough to
sign up for a coaching program that he so badly needed.

Thank God his wife singed him up when he wasn't looking.

That was the "flipping of the switch" for Sean.

Since then he's kept himself out of his comfort zone...

he's the most positive guy with a "can do" attitude you'll ever meet...

he stays coach-able, always humble and takes massive taken massive
action no matter how much it puts him out of his comfort zone.

I can't tell you how proud I am of Sean and his work ethic.

Like I said earlier... there's nothing special about him or others like him.

YOU have it in you just like Sean does.

At some point (like NOW) you gotta say enough is enough, chose to take
action... invest in yourself and putting yourself around others who can help
you get to where YOU want to be.

Only YOU can choose to flip the switch.

I believe in YOU.

Bedros Keuilian

BTW, you can hang out with Sean, Craig and myself at the TT Summit in just
a few weeks (June 21-22 in downtown San Diego).
Each ticket DOUBLES in price on Monday.
PPS - The special Fast Action Taker deal ends soon...
SAVE $200 and EARN 1.5 ACE or

Reserve your spot today and not only will you save $200 off the regular price,
you'll ALSO swipe a steady supply of workout and client attraction strategies
that our six and seven-figure fitness business owners are using right now, so
that you can deploy them for massive results in your own business.
Reserve your spot at 
See you in San Diego!

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