Sunday, May 12, 2013

Diet and Peer Pressure

Without a doubt, one of the most difficult things about losing fat
is eating in social situations.

The peer-pressure (from both the ignorant and immature) is the toughest
test of your commitment.

If you want to succeed, you have to lay the ground rules. There is no
room for debate. You are either in or you are out. <= #1 rule!

And you might just surprise some folks when you show them that life can
go on if you don't eat chicken wings with them.

Be proud of the healthy changes you are making.

There are a lot of folks in your life secretly wishing someone will take charge
and be a healthy role model for them.

It might not happen overnight, but if you continue to lead by healthy example
- without preaching or being condescending - you can build an entourage of
social support and people who want to be healthy like you. This will build
powerful relationships that will take your health to the next level.
And YES, you can still enjoy amazing foods while on a fat loss program,
including plenty of CARBS, too.

So if you're sick & tired of confusing low-carb diet programs that leave you
starving and stuck with stubborn belly fat, then I have great news for you.

With our NEW and improved TT Simple Nutrition System, you are
GUARANTEED to be able to eat a lot of carbs and still lose fat.

Plus, you'll get over 31 blender drink, smoothie, and post-workout shake
recipes to help you add the fuel to your metabolism fire.

And all for just $7 here

This program is not...

- "low carb"
- confusing or complex
- restrictive (you'll actually be full & satisfied)

It's not your fault that you're confused about this whole
fat loss diet thing...the so-called experts are making big
bucks with their complex point systems that they sell you.

Listen, even though I make my living as a trainer, I'll be
the FIRST to tell you that DIET is more important than
exercise for fat loss

That's why you're getting this SIMPLE fat burning nutrition
guide for less than the cost of lunch at Subway.

It's extremely important that you have a simple, easy to
follow, and practical nutrition for fat loss guide.

And finally, it's here (and at a ridiculously low price).

I'm dedicated to helping you simplify your nutrition program
so that it is easy (and delicious) to follow for fat loss.

Heck, I stay at 9-10% fat all year round while eating tons
of carbs and loving every meal I eat
- rather than following
a diet plan that is so restrictive it causes dreaded binges.

So not only will you get proven fat loss advice (this system
is backed by clinical scientific research) but your new program
will also take the stress out of eating.

It's so simple...even ol' Bally the Dog uses the plan to keep
his six pack abs (and yes, a vet once told me that my dog
has six pack abs

Funny, huh?

So get ready to discover...

- The Simple Nutrition Rules for fat loss
- The top 3 food myths that everyone gets wrong in their diet
- The 7-step detox diet plan (no zany detox methods required)
- Craig's grocery list and meal plan
- 43 blender drink, smoothie, and post-workout recipes

Get the Simple Nutrition System & Fat Loss Recipes for $7

Download it immediately, make the blender drink that I give
you on page 18, and then go through the cool research that
proves why Simple Nutrition works for fat loss.

Keep it simple,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - If you are sick and tired of confusing and complex diets...

...then you need to stop the insanity and switch to the
Simple Nutrition for Fat Loss System.

Get started here

Your results are guaranteed by a 100% money back promise.

If you don't like the system, just let us know, and you'll
get a full refund.

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