Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Awesome workout for you

This is going to be AWESOME!
On Sunday, May 19th, you're going to join me on a very special LIVE video webcast where you'll discover the #1 reason you are not getting fat-loss results from all of your hard work. 
Plus, you'll get to do three follow-along workouts LIVE with me. It's going to be really cool. 
You'll be able to watch this video from the comfort of your own home - or anywhere you have a computer - on Sunday, May 19th starting at 5pm, EST.
And did I mention it was free? :)

In this live event, not only will I reveal the #1 reason you are not getting results, but you'll also get The Ultimate Fat Loss Key and how you can apply this to your fat loss workouts...

However, there's some BAD news, too.
There will NOT be a free replay of this video, so you MUST be on the LiveCast this Sunday starting at 5pm EST.

(Fortunately, we'll also have some really cool gifts to give you.)

So make sure you SAVE the date.

The Live video - that you can watch from anywhere in the world - will be on:

Sunday, May 19th, starting at 5pm EST

But don't be late. I'll be revealing the Ultimate Fat Loss Key within the first few minutes AND this video will NOT be available for a FREE replay. It's only free when it's live.

Hold on tight and I'll provide a special link to the Live Cast video page as we get closer. Keep an eye out for another email from me with the full details very soon.

By the way, in addition to the gifts and workouts, I've also set aside over 30 minutes for a live question-and-answer session to answer any of your questions about my workouts and nutrition secrets.
Reserve your spot here <= for the free follow-along workout demo

Looking forward to helping you out and having a great workout with you - live and (almost) in-person!

See you later this week,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - If you've ever struggled...

...to lose weight and build an amazing body, this LIVE video event is just for you.

Click here to reserve your spot on the FREE LiveCast 
See you on Sunday!

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