Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Win Money by Transforming Your Life

Win $1500 just for losing your belly fat in the 17th TT Transformation Contest.

- www.TurbulenceTrainingContest.com

Psst.... have you seen the WINNERS from the 16th TT Transformation Contest yet? Click the link above to check them out.

Don't think you can transform or change your life?


You just need to change your attitude.

If there was a gun to your head, you could do it. Imagine that if you ate the chocolate bar, you’d lose everything.

You probably wouldn’t pick up the candy bar, would you?

And if the junk is NOT in your house, you won't eat it.

So get rid of it.

If family brings it in, then you put it in a place that is extremely difficult for you to access. A high cupboard, out of sight, out of mind. Research shows the harder it is to access, the less you eat. So stop accepting it and make it the next-best-thing-to-not-being-there-at-all.

You have to set up some type of repercussions. You must know the consequences. You must convince yourself the consequences are dire. You must rank the consequences at being extreme, and the benefits of being good as so worthwhile that you stop cheating. You must look at what can be, not what is. You can change and things can be different.

It’s up to you.

Watch this vision video and set your goals and create an action plan - you can do it!

- www.ANewAmericanDream.com

"The human mind needs a destination to navigate and move toward, and the clearer the destination, the better the progress." – Dan Kennedy

And find an accountability partner for support,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - If you want to transform your finances...

Here's a 10-minute mental task to work on your money mindset:


1 comment:

  1. The transformations were truly awesome. You are correct, it takes the proper mindset to succeed at anything; including weight loss.
