Thursday, April 18, 2013

Unique circuit workout

Roman is super busy with his book launch (it #14 on Amazon so far!), but when I asked him to create a Density Circuit just for TT readers, he was all over it. The workout has a UNIQUE twist.
Here's what he gave us (including a great explanation of why this works so well):
"Hey Craig & TT Readers,
Density Circuit Training is, very simply, a take on MRT that focuses on how much work you do in a given time frame.
The goal is to do more work in less time.
Striving for this makes each workout a bit of a challenge, which is both fun and motivating. Each time you repeat a workout, the goal will be to get more work done than the session before without increasing your training time.
We group your exercises (as supersets or mini circuits) and assign each group a time frame. You'll do as many reps as you can in that period for each lift, and work to increase that number over time.
To do it, you'll have to shave down your rest periods and push yourself harder, which will result in getting stronger, improving endurance, and burning more calories.
In four weeks, you should be seeing the beginnings of a body that's evolved to the next level. One of the best parts about it is density based training increases testosterone levels.
Here's a sample density circuit to get you started:

1) Goblet Squat - 45 seconds
2) Push Up - 30 seconds
3) Bent over row - 30 seconds
4) Reverse Lunges - 45 seconds
5) Mountain Climber - 40 seconds

Perform exercises 1-5 sequentially, resting 30-60 seconds between each. For each exercise, perform as many reps as possible for during the prescribed duration. After the last exercise, rest 3-4 minutes.
Increase the weight on all exercises by 5% and perform the circuit again, this time trying to beat the number of reps you did the first time, on all exercises. (Note: in the case of the pushup, elevate your feet to make it harder.)
Want more workouts like this?
Get Roman's book and boost your post-workout metabolism
And then get your FREE bonuses by emailing me your book receipt to:
Then you'll get these:
Arnold Schwarzenegger himself even wrote the forward to Roman's book.
PLUS, in John's book alone, you'll get:
- John's NEWEST 16-week, 4-phase fat burning diet and workout program
- 30 total fat-burning, metabolism boosting workouts
- 16-weeks of DONE-for-YOU meal plans
- The EXACT plan to optimize your hormones to boost fat burning
So grab your copy, help Roman hit the NY Times best-seller list, and then get these incredible TT Clash of the Titans programs as our gift to you for your support of my good friend, John Romaniello. 
Sure you could get Roman's book at Barnes and Noble, but you wouldn't get the free workouts I'm giving you today. Grab it today.
Proud of Roman,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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