Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Should this be your new routine too?

Received some great feedback on my www.HomeWorkoutRevolution.com workouts today.

"This morning I woke up, and instead of heading to the gym, or doing my jog, I decided to try Craig's 20/10 Workout video. Boy... I could barely walk after doing the exercises (with no equipment at all... the best part of all). Went to the park, took my mobile phone with me, and played the video. I can now see I was not exercising some parts of my body with my normal exercises, because my legs are a bit in pain, and I can feel the exercises on my arms and chest. Well... I think this is going to be my new routine!!! I am grateful I found you and that you are sharing your knowledge with us Craig!! Thank you!!" - Eduardo

My Workout: Box Jumps, Squats, Front Squats, Leg Curls, Pull-ups.

"The harder I work, the luckier I get." - #truth

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." - Maya Angelou

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." – Nelson Mandela

Take immediate action even if it’s not perfect. Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction. Be ambitious, driven, and have a burning desire to succeed. Be obsessed with the outcome. Be consistent day in and day out no matter what. Live by a never quit, never give up attitude. If you fall… and you will fall, get back up EVERY TIME. Spend most of your time outside your comfort zone, that’s where the exciting things happen.

Not sure where to start? Read this:
- http://www.earlytorise.com/how-to-get-started/

And always refer back to your vision. Make sure to make yours with the help of this video
- www.ANewAmericanDream.com

Time to start,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - How I get so much done
- http://www.earlytorise.com/how-i-get-so-much-done-personal-info/

PPS - Make a difference. Live a life that matters." - Frank McKinney

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