Tuesday, April 16, 2013

New Rules of Circuit Training

Yesterday I received a shocking email.
Catherine Gordon, Certified Turbulence Trainer, had a new client mention that her last trainer recommended "an hour of slow cardio in the fat burning zone" to lose weight. Catherine was as surprised as I was.
We can't believe that other trainers still give this advice.
It's crazy. Really crazy. I just can't believe this misinformation persists. It's 2013, not 1983!
Not only are there New Rules for Fat Loss, but there's even New Rules for Circuit Training.
I learned a lot about making simple circuits more metabolic and effective from one of my best friends in the fitness industry, John "Roman" Romaniello.
And new research published in the May 2013 issue of Men's Health magazine shows that as little of 33 minutes of fat burning resistance training, like the kind you get in John's circuits, can boost post-exercise metabolism by 363 calories!
John calls this form of training Metabolic Density Circuits, and we use these  in the TT Clash of the Titans workouts (that YOU can get for FREE when you get John's new hardcover, REAL book that WILL hit the NY Times Best-Sellers list this week).
PLUS, in John's book alone, you'll get:
- John's NEWEST 16-week, 4-phase fat burning diet and workout program
- 30 total fat-burning, metabolism boosting workouts
- 16-weeks of DONE-for-YOU meal plans
- The EXACT plan to optimize your hormones to boost fat burning
Get Roman's book and boost your post-workout metabolism
And then get your FREE bonuses by emailing me your book receipt to:
Then you'll get these:
Arnold Schwarzenegger himself even wrote the forward to Roman's book. Pretty cool, huh? Heck, Roman even creates workouts for him! For the Terminator! Dang...you're going to learn so much from this book.
Almost as cool as the combination of getting the book AND these free workouts. So grab your copy, help Roman hit the NY Times best-seller list, and then get these incredible TT Clash of the Titans programs as our gift to you for your support of my good friend, John Romaniello. 
Sure you could get Roman's book at Barnes and Noble, but you wouldn't get the free workouts I'm giving you today. Grab it today.
Proud of Roman,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


  1. Ok, you are making want to get this Turbulence Training Cert since I train most of my clients mostly circuits. I will look more into it. By the way, great post!

  2. Great to hear, Jo! Thanks! Check out www.turbulencetrainingcertification.com
