Friday, April 26, 2013

Get Lean in 17 Minutes

Sing it with me...
"On the road again, I can't wait to get on the road again, I can't wait to be doing burpees and spiderman pushups with my friends, I can't wait to get on the road again"
And I am. As soon as I hit send on this email I'll be petting Bally the Dog good-bye, leaving him out on the farm for the weekend with Grandma, and jumping in my rented Chrysler 200 (fun car to drive!) to head down to Lapeer, Michigan.
Once I get there, I'll be filming workout videos with Certified Turbuence Trainers, Brian Kalakay, Mikey "They have pancakes there, right?" Whitfield, and Shawna "I'm 50 years old and still fitter than you" Kaminski. 
It's going to be a tough weekend. I'll be doing five TT workouts in 48 hours and will be exhausted by the time I drive home on Sunday. But the end results will be a complete series of follow-along workout videos for the new "Turbulence Training 2.0". 
The problem is that we won't have this new product done until September.
So in the meantime, I have the perfect follow-along workout video program for you. It was created by Certified Turbulence Trainer, Brian Kalakay, who owns the gym we film at in Lapeer.
His program is called "Lean in 17", and you'll get workouts that you can do anytime, anywhere to burn fat. And I've put together the TOP TEN reasons you need to get these during his new product celebration sale (that ends TONIGHT). 

Drum roll, please...
The Top 10 Reasons to Get Lean in 17

10. Brian's energy will motivate anyone to work out, laugh, and lose fat in the process. It's like having a cup of the world's strongest coffee injected right into your brain! Perfect for morning's when your "get up and go" is taking a little bit longer - or after work when you need a jump-start.

9. This program is the only one that comes with a BONUS step-by-step video that gives you the blueprint to maintaining your amazing results for a lifetime. TT readers always have lots of "maintenance" questions, and Brian gives you everything you need to know about staying lean.
PLUS, as an EXTRA bonus, I'll give you a FREE copy of my 2012 workout of the year, TT Thermogenic 30, when you get your copy of "Get Lean in 17" before midnight tonight. Just go here and then email us your receipt: <= Offer expires at midnight

8. The videos can be loaded to your phone or tablet so you can take them with you anywhere. That means you can workout in the park, the gym, a hotel room, or even your backyard, as long as you have your little gadget. Brilliant!

7. Every exercise in the program is safe and effective, so you don't have to worry about injuring yourself when you are working out.

6. You'll be working out right with Brian with every single rep, holding you accountable and making sure you perform every fat-burning exercise with perfect form. Everyone needs a PRO to take them through their workouts and get better results, and as a Certified Turbulence Trainer, Brian is approved by the best in the business.

5. This is the ONLY program on a Nine-day cycling program, keeping your body guessing, helping you burn fat 24/7. It's another unique strategy, that added to his 17-minute system, that will accelerate your fat loss results.

4. There's NO equipment needed - you can do these workouts ANYWHERE (even in an elevator - watch his video on his site), eliminating all excuses on even your busiest day. That's how you get faster results, by staying consistent!

3. Don't an EXTRA bonus, I'll give you a FREE copy of my 2012 workout of the year, TT Thermogenic 30, when you get your copy of "Get Lean in 17" before midnight tonight. Just go here and then email us your receipt: <= Offer expires at midnight

2. Every single workout takes only 17 minutes - that's less time than a trip to the stinky over-crowded gym - and Starbucks, of course - and back.

1. All the workouts and bonuses are on sale today only during his Program Premier Celebration Sale. For just a small investment, you'll get all of his 17-minute workout videos. It's less than ONE session with a mediocre trainer and a gym membership in any town in the world.
(Plus, you get TT Thermo-30 for free - regular price of $29.95.)
Get started here:

Once you have Brian's program, email to get your bonus "Thermogenic 30" program today!
Get Lean, 

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Alright, time to go!
Heading down to Brian's gym right now. 
Don't an EXTRA bonus, I'll give you a FREE copy of my 2012 workout of the year, TT Thermogenic 30, when you get your copy of "Get Lean in 17" before midnight tonight. Just go here and then email us your receipt: <= Offer expires at midnight
Hurry, the clock is ticking.

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