Sunday, April 14, 2013

Deadift Workout and Bodyweight Fat Burner

Great Sunday here in Toronto. The sun is finally shining.

Hardcore workout for me today:
- Snatch (3x5)
- Deadlift (5x5)
- Military Press (5x5)
- Good Morning (4x8)

Plus I designed six new TT 2.0 workouts. We'll be filming those on April 27-29th and releasing this new product in September. It will be my best work yet!

In the meantime, here's a bodyweight finisher designed for a client today:

1) Total body extensions - 8 rounds (20-10)
2) Close-grip pushups 4 rounds (20-10)
3) Jumping Jacks 8 rounds (20-10)
4) Mountain climbers 4 rounds (20-10)

BTW, a reader was asking, what's the difference between the TT program and the Home Workout Revolution system? I answered:

"Really different, because you get follow along videos. The workouts are more focused on fat loss and conditioning than strength. Plus, ZERO equipment. No balls, nothing."

Grab those here:

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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