Sunday, April 21, 2013

6 Minute Workout Video

Ok, you've never watched a workout video like this before...
I'm surprised the guy didn't get arrested. (By the way, it's one of my Certified Turbulence Trainers doing an awesome bodyweight a really weird location.) Watch the free follow-along workout video here:
It's a kick-butt, NO-equipment circuit workout that you can use right now to start your day, as a mid-day break, or a great finisher to end off a traditional Turbulence Training workout.
And I'm sure you'll agree that his "Punching Push-up" is pretty cool, right? But that's not the reason he almost gets arrested. Find out more here:
More workouts coming your way tomorrow,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS  - Here's this week's Monday Morning Mindset Motivation Tip:
The morning is vital to your success. Early to Bed, Early to Rise - That's how you achieve more and have less stress.
Get up 15 minutes earlier every day this week. I guarantee you'll get more done and make more progress in the important areas of your life!

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