Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why I bought a bootcamp

Last month I bought a Fit Body Bootcamp location for here
in Toronto. I'm stoked. I'll be partnering up with Ray Ortiz,
a Certified Turbulence Trainer. We plan on having multiple 
locations in just a few years
Why would I do this?
Why would "Mr. Fitness Internet" get back into bootcamps?
Because you can never have enough freedom, lifestyle, and passion.

And that's what Fit Body Bootcamp delivers.
Fit Body Bootcamp ensures another revenue stream, and also helps me
get a GIANT step closer to transforming the lives of 10 Million people.
I'm going ALL IN with FBBC.
If you're interested in more freedom, a better lifestyle, and changing
the world with passion, then watch this video.

Watch this video to build a real fitness business and get more freedom

It answers all of the questions you might have about building a REAL
fitness business...
...one that changes your life, improves your community, and truly 
helps make the world a better place - without running you into the
ground because you're working day and night.
Listen, I'm involved in a lot of projects, from Turbulence Training to
Early to Rise to the Mastermind I run with Bedros and of course, the
Turbulence Training Certification...
...but there's something special about being involved with FBBC. It's
the opportunity to change my community, to have a "3rd place" (aside
from home and work) where my efforts can make a difference.
That's why I'm so excited about it, and I know you will be too.
Watch the entire video here <= Exact steps to build a great lifestyle business
Fit Body Bootcamp is changing my life,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Training
PS - This is time sensitive...
...so don't miss out. Not everyone can be involved with FBBC. It's
only for fast action takers.
Hope to see you at an FBBC event someday soon.

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