Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Today vs Yesterday

Just remember that no matter how yesterday went, today you get a fresh start. Attack the day, come back stronger than ever, and get one major item done before you get sucked into email, phone calls, etc. Make progress NOW.

So much can be accomplished with a long-term vision and resilience to short term setbacks. Not every problem is conquered overnight, but if you persist and never give up on what is IMPORTANT to you, then you will succeed. Keep on pushing!

And this is tough, but true:

Success is simple, once you accept how hard it is. The secrets to success are not complex. They are right there for all of us to see. Dedication, commitment, discipline, hard work, adding value, and connecting with others – those are things you must have and what you must do.

Simple, but not easy.

But something you can do and achieve.

I believe in you,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Now it's time to go through...

This Success Habit
- www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JSeJU3gL6U

Join me?

It helped me Design my Life. More about that here:
- http://www.earlytorise.com/have-the-life-you-want-now/

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