Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Bally and Deadlifting Weekend Report

Picked up Bally the Dog from the sitters last night, and that kicked off a great weekend (so far). I've even spent some time in the kitchen cooking.

You see, last weekend, on the Sunday morning before my flight from Orange County to Denver, I enjoyed one of the best omelets of my life. It was nothing fancy, just a spinach and mushroom omelet, made with 4 real eggs (not that "instant eggs" mix used by most hotels), spinach, and mushrooms.

It was light and fluffy.

And so I've spent the past week trying to recreate that omelet at home.

One trick I learned from a fancy chef was to blend the eggs. I use the old blender-drink blender and give it 3 pulses. It's the lazy man's way to beat eggs.

After adding a healthy dose of coconut oil to my cast-iron skillet, I added the eggs to a low heat, and then added the toppings as the eggs solidified. Everything was going as planned...but then I tried to simply fold the omelet over, and that's where I butchered it.

The presentation ended up being a poor mess, but the eating was good!

Had that along with steamed broccoli and lots of tomato sauce, plus an apple, an orange Zevia (stevia sweetened, no-calorie soda) in place of orange juice, and a decaf Green Tea.

That was enjoyed while reading the Saturday Globe and Mail and getting some ETR essay ideas, and while watching/listening to the Manchester United game on TV.

Perfect after-workout at-home Saturday brunch with Bally the Dog. He had his regular meal. Dog food. He can't get enough. I also gave him a breath-freshening greenie treat.

Before my workout I tried a new flavor of Quest protein bar. It's Banana Nut Muffin, and is sucralose-free. If you get a fresh box, you'll be impressed. Had that along with Athletic Greens, sencha Green Tea, and 1oz almonds.

Then went and deadlifted. Good session.

Hang Clean - 3x3
Deadlift - 5x5
Military Press - 5x5
Good Morning - 4x10
Bulgarian Split Squat - 2x15
Pullup - 3x4

Great day all round. Hope yours was too.

BTW, for pullups, check out for the blueprint to get more pullups!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
“Living each day as it if were our last, rather than converting us into hedonists, will make us appreciate how wonderful it is that we are alive and have the opportunity to fill this day with activity. This in turn will make us less likely to squander our days. As we think about and plan for tomorrow, remember to appreciate today.” - William B. Irvine

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Congratulations to Rick Gannon, our newest Certified Turbulence Trainer.

Hope to see Rick, and all of the TT Trainers at the 3rd TT Summit in San Diego, June 21-22nd.

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