Friday, March 29, 2013

The Actual Workout

Today's workout changed as there is no TRX set up. It ended up being this Metabolic workout in Joel Marions garage.

Rd1 (3 rounds of 30 seconds each):
Elvtd pushups, kb swings, mb slams, db csr;

Rd2 (3 round of 30 seconds each): db press, goblet squat, mntn clmbr, db rdr;

Rd3 (3 rounds of 20 seconds each): db row, goblet lunge, med ball chest pass...

Finished with one more superset of db incline and pullups


PS - TT for C-B-S Abs is now available as the April 2013 Workout 


It's all about "SCS - Stretch Contract Stability" for ripped abs and a strong core.

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