Sunday, March 10, 2013

Success Talk

Yikes. My abs are wicked sore from Power Wheel Rollouts done the other day at Iron Gym in Santa Monica. The stretch and contract combo always hits them hard.

And yesterday I visited a local 24-Hour Fitness facility here in Costa Mesa for a great Meathead Upper body workout. It's been a long time since I've done Incline Bench Press, so I worked my way up to just 185 pounds. Also did pull-ups, Hammer Strength chest presses, Hammer Strength rows, triceps, and biceps. It was fun.

And then last night I went on stage at 8:35pm (11:35pm EST!) to deliver my annual Success talk to over 300 personal trainers at Met a lot of great folks that are going to change the world. Cracked a few Cookie Monster jokes. Bought everyone a beer - and 3 vodka redbulls for Jason Ferruggia. Ha. Good times.

Today I'm heading over to Denver, but my morning flight has been cancelled due to a snowstorm. That means I have to fly on Southwest airlines for the first time ever, and we'll be going through San Francisco on the way to Big D. Eventually I'll get there. A little nap, some almonds and apples, and maybe a protein bar or two should help the flight go smooth.

Then we'll have a few days of Big Idea planning out at headquarters. It was really cool to meet so many ETR readers at FBS last night. Many folks told me that our productivity articles made a huge difference in their lives, and that means a lot to me. You don't always hear from readers, and you certainly don't meet a lot in person, so that's why speaking at live events is so great.

Plus, I had the chance to meet several Certified Turbulence Trainers in the audience. We're all getting fired up for the annual TT Summit in San Diego this June - <= Details on 2013 coming soon.
Alright, time for my daily readings.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
There is so much potential in you…but my biggest worry is that you do not see what you are capable of doing. That you are going to let little limitations & negative self-talk get in the way of your big self. Don’t let YOU stop you from doing what you can do.

Just do it. It’s less painful to do it than it is to sit around and think about it or feel guilty that you haven’t started yet. Once you get started, things will get done.

Success comes in spurts. You’ll do all this work and feel like you’re getting nothing and nowhere…nothing, nothing, nothing…and then suddenly, WHOOOOOSH. Success. It comes in spurts. Never give up on what is important to you.

Stay strong and get stronger,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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