Monday, March 11, 2013

Pump up with Arnold

The next four days will be busy ones here in Denver. Lots of meetings at Early To Rise Headquarters. Our ETR business helps people with their personal development and success habits.

You can learn more about it at

Today I'll do a short workout of upper body resistance training and interval training.

If you want something more to get you pumped up, check out this short video of Arnold's first bodybuilding competition and how he spent time in a "military prison" afterwards.


“Here’s the goal. And whatever it takes to get there, I will do it.” – Arnold

And for our lady friends: Try this FREE fat burning workout for women

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Knowing what to do is worthless without the commitment to taking action on this knowledge. Worse is procrastinating on action by chasing more knowledge. Don’t get caught in that trap. Get what you need to know and then start taking little tests.

"Many people hang back from living their dreams, hindered by negative people that squelch their ambition. What would you be doing if you were living at your full-out best? If you knew you could not fail, what would you be doing differently?" - Dr. Gay Hendricks

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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