Sunday, March 24, 2013

Personal Training Video

Ok, do not watch this video if you have a full bladder or if you
are drinking a glass of milk. It will shoot out of your nose.
Hilarity ensues.
My best Armenian buddy, Bedros Keuilian, just sent me this video
where he teaches you five brilliant ways to get new clients. But again,
because it's so funny, you'll need to watch it twice to get all the info.

Here's the link to the new video (watch it before Monday

You'll also get a tour of Bedros' private office, and that's where things
take a Hangover-style turn for the worse...and get super funny.
But more important, you'll learn those 5 magic methods for getting
more clients into your fitness business.
Watch the entire video here (<== He's taking it down on Monday)
Bedros is one funny dude,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Training
PS - Seriously...
...the video disappears on Monday.
But go take a pee first, lest you ruin your Sunday best by peeing your
pants as you watch the hilarity ensue.

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