Monday, February 18, 2013

Truth About Sleep, Food and Training

Oh, the irony. The secrets to success are obvious truths that people don't want to hear: Sleep more. Eat better. Exercise. Read. And Work.

Let's talk about real food, real training, and the need for sleep.

First, I stopped by the local market today for basic supplies today...but the selection of oranges and strawberries was too much to resist so I added those to my order.

No need for junk food when nature gives you real food. STOP eating foods that come packaged in a bag or a box, and switch to foods that come packaged in a peel.

Or as Jack LaLanne says, "If man made it, don't eat it."

Today's after workout blender drink:
- 8oz water
- 1.5 servings Vega protein powder
- 1/2 frozen banana
- 2 handfuls spinach
- 6 strawberries

Had this with 1oz almonds, 1oz roasted mixed nuts, an apple, an orange, and 2 cups decaf Green Tea.

Today's training was basic movements:
Squats, Step-ups, Pullups, and Leg Curls.

And you there, not sleeping enough. Listen, you can't make up for a lack of sleep with anything. You need at least seven hours. Period.

Here's why you - and your kids - need more sleep:

You can't "get by" on 6 hours of sleep. You can't "improve the quality" of your 6 hours to make up for lost hours. You just need more sleep.

Yes, the world has changed in the last 100 years, but your need for 7-8 hours of sleep hasn't. You're an intelligent individual...make the right decisions that allow you to sleep better and longer.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
You can't be afraid to try new things and possibly fail. Only by "Failing Forward", will we breakthrough and learn new things about ourselves that allow us to reach new levels. Failure isn't bad. Failure isn't final. No matter how BIG of a failure you have to deal with, you can always RISE up and overcome it - and even become STRONGER because of it. So never, ever, EVER give up on something that is important to you.

Questions to ask yourself, and to answer for yourself: “What will it take to finally make the changes you need to succeed? How bad do you want it? What fears are stopping you? And why aren’t you willing to change? What will it take!?!?”

Never ever, ever, EVER give up on something that is important to you.

Some holiday reading for you:
“Criticism is cheap and easy; achievement is not.” – Dan Kennedy ....Learn how to deal with criticism here

Here are 10 books I recommend

What people truly regret

Some great reading,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - “When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.” W. Clement Stone

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