Sunday, February 03, 2013

Stand Up for Yourself On Super Bowl Sunday

Sunday, especially SuperBowl Sunday for so many of us here in North America, is what most of us work so hard for. So appreciate this time and the people you spend it with.

Or as the wise philosopher G. Costanza once said, "Live, dammit. Live! Every precious moment as if this was the last year of your life."

Today I'll be heading back to Powerhouse Gym in Tampa with Bedros Keuilian to do a bench press workout. Then breakfast, then filming some exercise videos, and finally heading to a Superbowl party. Going dairy-free will help me avoid last year's chocolate covered almond overeating. Too much of a good thing last time!

Last night's dinner was almost too much of a good thing as well. Along with Jason Ferruggia, John Romaniello, Shaun Hadsall, Adam Steer, and many others, Joel Marion took us to a Brazilian steakhouse - one of those places that bring you out all kinds of meat. I almost ate too much. Fortunately I was somewhat full from going to the salad bar twice for greens, tomatoes, peppers, and hearts of palm. Even had a little room for fresh berries after dinner.

Probably won't eat until after the workout today, though.

I might get the gym to make me a shake of fresh fruit, no whey protein after training. Won't be the same as a chocolate whey-peanut butter-banana shake, but it will do.

At the Superbowl party, there will be plenty of healthy food alternatives, like grass-fed steaks and nuts so that there will be no need to eat junk. And most important, it should be a tremendous game.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
No matter how much you might feel like you are struggling, never give up. Never ever ever give in. Keep moving towards your vision. Never stand still. Believe in yourself.

What do you stand for? Be proud of it. Live by example. Don't let the critics trump your integrity. Be yourself. And do what you born to do and deliver the great messages and value that you were born to share.

1 Million Transformations is what I was born to can watch my 1 Million Mission video here

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


  1. I love your mindset tip of the day for today. During rough times it can be so easy to let your spirit get beaten down.

    The one thing you should always be able to count on is yourself. You should be able to count on yourself to bounce back, to refocus when necessary and as you have said, never ever give up.
