Monday, February 25, 2013

Get up and Grind

Yesterday I did an experimental bodyweight circuit training session.

This was done for the upcoming "TT Grinding" program. In honor of Ray Lewis and his "Rise and Grind" tweets. I even invented a new tempo for pushups that you'll love. Stay tuned.

Today, I'll either try another experimental bodyweight workout outside in the Tampa sunshine, or I'll head to a local LA Fitness for an experimental squat session.

Always learning, right?


This quote explains it all...

“Do something every single day. Make it a habit. The more of it you do, the better you can get at it. Every day is an opportunity to get better.” – Andrew Rifkin

Later today I head back to Toronto, but yesterday we got out on the Jet Skis down here (my first time, I grew up a snowmobiler, not a jet skier). It was a great time. Fast too, hitting 66mph on the smooth water, but it was even more fun going 20 mph over the choppy waves out on the Gulf of Mexico. Fun times.

Hope you had a great let's Rise and Grind.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips & Success Stories:
“Where you grew up has no bearing on where YOU DECIDE you are going to be today.” – Dan Kennedy…

You control everything. Your success is your responsibility...

"Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future." - Robin Sharma

“Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths…Dig deeply. You possess strengths you might not realize you have. Find the right one. Use it…You will stop feeling overwhelmed so much of the time.” – Epictetus, The Art of Living

Take a look at this FANTASTIC post from one of our ETR $100K Transformation Contest members...I'm sure this gets others fired up to stick to their goals....

"Today is Sunday.. The first time in over 40 years that I haven't smoked a single cigarrette in 7 days!!

Hurray for me!!

I am starting to feel what I had thought for a long time: if I could quit smoking I could do ANYTHING.

I mean, I have overcome the fear of NOT smoking for one full week. What else am I afraid of that doesn't let me go forward in the wealth aspect of my life?"

What does this help you think that you can achieve?

"There are an infinite number of new opportunities. Actively seek them out, and position yourself to recognize and take advantage of them." - Kekich Credo #68

Get inspired by this little book that changed one man's life:

And discover your Purpose Driven Business here:

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Don't forget to...

Help others. Add value. Improve someone's life today. Do something nice, unexpectedly for someone. Transform their day.

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