Friday, February 15, 2013

Cheat Day Blueprint

If you're like me, then you've got a cheat meal planned for
this weekend, right?
Well, today you're going to learn how to eat lots of carbs
that cause you to LOSE belly fat.

Sounds crazy, I know, but bear with me.

Today my travels will take me downtown for an interesting
"appointment" (more about this next week). After, I will raid a
Whole Foods grocery store and spend Bally the Dog's 'college fund'
on some dairy-free chocolate products & other goodies
That's for Saturday's carb-day where I'll follow world-
renowned nutrition expert, and 41-year old ripped
freak (pics below), Shaun Hadsall's carb-eating advice.
Shaun's methods are proven to help you beat stubborn
belly fat by eating carbs - at the RIGHT times. With his
secrets, you'll never "diet" again but you will lose belly
fat for good. Woohoo! NO MORE dieting!! ==> 3 simple steps to NEVER store carbs as fat on your body
But hurry, this special "Ballantyne's Day Week" info is only
up until tonight. Then it's gone for the weekend.
By the way, don't forget this...In Florida last week, my good friend,
Shaun Hadsall - whom you'll agree is RIPPED at age 41 - showed
me EXACTLY how you can eat carbs and get lean. It's pretty darn
cool if I do say so myself:

Ripped at 41 years old!
Enjoy your weekend eating Guilt-Free:
Combine these secrets with TT workouts to get ripped fast,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Next week I'll tell you all about... weekend cheat meal (it's a little weird) and my mysterious
trip to downtown Toronto.

You'll never look at me the same again!

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