Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Take action and never settle

No training today, but plenty of important things to say.

First, don’t hang around negative people that would rather see you fail. Cut the cord quickly. That’s less painful than drawing things out. Search out more positive people and experiences. They are out there. They DO exist and want to help you. Start here and at the website.

We don't always win. But if we fight the good fight and we stay strong, we will keep moving towards our goals. Never, ever, ever give up.

Be proud of the changes you are making and help others do the same. There are many people secretly looking for someone like you to take charge and to be a healthy role model for them. Stay strong. It might not happen overnight, but if you continue to lead by healthy example - without preaching or condescending - you will build an entourage of social support and people that want to be healthy just like you. This will build powerful relationships with others that will help you take your health, fitness, and success to the next level. Stay strong - get stronger.

Action is the simplest way to avoid procrastination. Get up and throw yourself into the battle. You must know your #1 priority and attack it with great energy.

"Never settle. Never be conventional. Never listen to the naysayers. If you believe in yourself and your ideas then ignore the competition and haters and deliver the best program or product on the planet." - Bedros Keuilian

“Create more value than you capture.” – Tim O’Reilly

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - “We’re here to live, to love, to laugh, to learn, and to leave a legacy.” – Stephen Covey

According to Eric Barker, the single most important thing to do today if you want to live a long, happy life is to spend time with friends. That’s true value for our lives.

Make the right choices.

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