Friday, January 18, 2013

Bench and Squat workouts

Two great workouts this week at LA Sports Club in San Francisco.

First, squats, box jumps, stepups, and leg curls. Oh, and power wheel rollouts.

Second, on Friday morning, bench, db csr, pullups (50 reps in 8 minutes), decline pushups (80 reps in 4 minutes), barbell row, overhead squat.

How many pushups can you do in 4 minutes? Let me know. PS - Do NOT go to failure...if you do, your number will be low. Do about 60% of your max per set, then rest, and repeat.

My research on training to failure

Now let's eat!

Yesterday's eating. Great food, better people.

Breakfast after workout - omelet with spinach, mushrooms, broccoli, and avocado (great replacement for cheese), side of fresh California strawberries (really fantastic), apple, Athletic Greens

lunch - 1/2 piece salmon, 1/2 piece chicken, brussel sprouts, and lots of other vegetables

snack - almonds

dinner at Morton's (this was a disaster...we had 19 people and waited over an hour just to get salads and appetizers, but my food choice was good) - sea bass with crab meat (next time I'll get heavy sauce on the side) and a giant side of broccoli. Some berries and cream for dessert (they gave the entire table free desserts because of the long wait)

Today, same breakfast, and then had "Jack LaLanne's Favorite Salad" for lunch at Jack's Grill in San Fran. Crab, shrimp, greens, mushrooms, avocado, and tomatoes. Really fantastic. Looking for more sea bass for dinner tonight.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
“Fat loss is simple once you accept how hard it is.” That means, once you understand and accept that it requires sacrifice, discipline, planning, support, accountability, goal-setting, and massive action taking, only then you will be psychologically prepared to make that sacrifice.

All of the setbacks in your life make you significantly stronger when you learn and grow from them. You must become “anti-fragile”, as Nicholas Taleb says. Your future will be bigger and better than ever if you take this approach to life. That's what happens when you keep on pushing.

Big weekend coming up. Plan ahead to stay strong. Identify the obstacles. Then prepare solutions to overcoming these obstacles. Stay strong. Get stronger!

Turn your life around in 5 minutes

When I am tempted, I think of you. I think of all of the people in the contest that I have made a promise to. I think of all of the people that read my emails. I think of all of the people that I can help by "Living by Example". That is one of our core values at - to Live by Example. That is why we do what we do. For you. And when you help other people, it will make it easier for YOU to stick to your goals as well. Stay strong. Keep pushing. Keep learning. Keep Living by Example.

Time to transform,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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