Friday, December 07, 2012

Workout With Jay and YOU

Just finished up an awesome workout with Jay Ferruggia here in
Denver at the Colorado Athletic Center. Great gym. 
We did Hammer Strength low rows, straight arm pullups (new to me!),
wide grip rows, DB Rows, shrugs, high pulls, and cable curls.
If you need a workout to start burning fat right now, here it is:
Don't forget about the TT 20-10 Bodyweight Revolution
program you'll get as a free bonus when you get...

So hurry, because this 85% off deal ends TONIGHT.

You'll get 5 workouts for just a fraction of the price of a gym
membership (not that you'll be able to get to the gym during
this crazy busy time of the year anyways).

Don't miss out on your last chance to get the Ultimate Home
Fat Burning Workout kit for the holidays.
Start burning fat at home today with short TT workouts

Your friend and coach,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - I'll be back NEXT week with my...
...most recent Men's Health magazine interview where I gave them
five exercises NEVER to do...and what you CAN do as replacements.

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