Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Free Muscle Buildiing Books

Yesterday I was reading the December issue of Men's Health magazine
while on a flight to Denver and I stumbled across interesting survey 
results on page 36.
In a study from Western Illinois University, women rated abs as as "men's
sexiest muscle" followed by biceps, pecs, obliques, and triceps.
On the other hand, men rated a woman's butt as their favorite muscle,
followed by abs, obliques, quads, and "pecs".
Regardless of the order, what matters is that muscles are sexy.
Grab that free book (from one of my former training mentors in
Toronto - Ben Pakulski - one of the top 10 bodybuilders in the world)
and you'll also get a FREE copy of my TT Build Muscle at Home
dumbbell workout.
Then get sexy by building muscle,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Ben have over 23,000 fans on Facebook...
...and has been featured on the cover of almost every major
muscle building magazine. Plus, he's even helped me design
TT workouts.
You'll discover 6 little known secrets of building muscle.
PPS - I'll tell you that strange "customs" story tomorrow.
It's taking me a longer time to write it up than I thought.

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