Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Better Day and Better Squat

The last couple of weeks have had me way off my sleep schedule. I'd been getting only 6 hours a night due to business meetings, travel, and work deadlines. It's our busiest time of the year trying to get our $100,000 ETR Transformation Contest up and ready for Dec. 26th.

Finally, after a rough day yesterday, I was able to have a great sleep. And it showed in my squat workout today. Best session of the year hitting 310 for reps. My squat went in the toilet a couple of years back due to a non-training related back injury, but I've been battling back and it's about 75% of my 2006 best (when I was 20 pounds heavier).

Lots of room for improvement. I'm excited for 2013. No more Tough Mudders either to ruin my squat programs.

So no matter what you are going through, stay strong. And here are some cool resources for you.

Special Christmas workout deal on TT metabolic fat loss workouts
- www.turbulencetraining.com/expressdeal

And here's a classic battle of Zombies vs Crossfit:
- http://www.ttfatloss.com/crossfit/

Back to my ups-and-downs...

Yesterday was a terrible day, but today has been one of the best work days of the year.

So many problems solved...all because of going through yesterday's dips, persevering, not giving up, staying positive, and having those uncomfortable conversations that would have been easier to avoid.

Hope your day has turned around if it started off wrong...never give up. Stay strong and get STRONGER. You can do it. Truly believe in yourself. You rock!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Measure PROGRESS, not perfection. Understand you will never reach perfection...but you must celebrate your journey as you improve from point A to point B. Make each day better than your last.

Challenge for you
- http://www.earlytorise.com/just-try-and-do-this/

And remember...

It's more important to live your life than to try to live someone elses. Be yourself.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - "Each day you are on the concert stage of life so you better make it rock!" - Frank McKinney, Make It Big

1 comment:

  1. Take courage! Enjoy what you have and accept yourself too. Be true.
