Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Toys for Tots Drive

Hey, we have something really special coming up in December. It's the EarlytoRise.com Toys for Tots drive and will be held in Denver on December, 8th.

Here's the Facebook event invite for you:


Last year my business partner Matt Smith raised 1,000 toys all by himself, and this year we want to donate over 10,000 toys to the drive.

So please join Matt myself, the entire Early to Rise team, and dozens of their friends and readers in a trip to area Wal-Mart stores where we're aiming to deliver over 10,000 gifts to the Toys for Tots 2012 campaign.

Let's help a kid (or 10,000) have the Christmas they deserve. Please join us, Saturday, Dec. 8th in Denver as we make their dreams a reality.

Research show that for 75% of people their biggest regrets in life are the things they didn't do in life...not the things they did.

So..."Go to the effort. Invest the time. Write the letter. Make the apology. Take the trip. Purchase the gift. Do it. The seized opportunity renders joy. The neglected brings regret." - Max Lucado

BTW, if you can't join us, we encourage people that can't make it to simply join in by doing the same thing in their hometown that same day, and taking photos and posting them on that FB page.

Today's training summary:
Today will be a Kettlebell conditioning workout in the basement of the old farmhouse. Mostly swings and squats. Perhaps some sprints outside. It will be short and sweet, and there will be a big old-man warm-up before it. And I'll imagine this guy is right beside me saying this in his Scottish accent:

"You can make progress, or you can make excuses - but you can't do both!" - Alwyn Cosgrove

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Success is like happiness. Self-defined, but something that most people will never feel they have attained. Do NOT worry about labeling yourself. Instead, focus everyday on adding value, doing the best you can with what you have been given, working hard, and helping others. Besides, the idea of success changes over time...what you see as "successful" now will likely look foolish in 15 years.

"We all make mistakes. We all waste valuable time. But we are all capable of changing our lives for the better. And that change can happen much more quickly with a mentor." – Michael Masterson

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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