Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nashville Atlanta Toronto Farm Michigan

On the way to the Nashville airport for the trip home. It's a two-banger
today, hopping over to Atlanta and then a 2nd shot up to Canadia.

Then one night in Toronto, a squat workout, a visit to the chiropractor -
Dr. Michael Sommers of Evolve Chiropractic - and then finally, the last
leg of my journey, a 90 minute drive back to the farm.

Then a dog walkingz!!11!

Yesterday we had a wicked lunch (great ribs) at South Street restaurant in
Nashville. Then a friend grilled Buffalo Ribeye steaks for dinner.

Later this week I will be off to Michigan to film some TT workout videos
with high energy Certified TT Trainers Brian Kalakay and Mike Whitfield.
That will be great times.

So a busy week with lots of moving around, people to talk to, places to go.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life. So don't dwell on past
mistakes because that will get you nowhere. Focus on what you can and WILL
do today, tomorrow, and the rest of your life, and all of the great things
that will happen because of your actions.

There will be days where it gets really hard and you'll wonder, 'Is this
even worth it?'. That's the crossroad people face every day and
unfortunately, most people give up right at this moment. But if you keep
making little changes and fight through the tough days, I promise you,
speaking from experience, you'll come out victorious.

Have a great one,

Craig Ballantyne

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