Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Munich Meathead Hotel DB Workout

Being a meathead in Munich today.

Today's workout in the hotel gym with 70lbs dumbbells. Good times.

DB Press, Pulldowns, DB Incline, DB Row, pushups, db rear delt raises, Oktoberfest (<= OK, that comes later).

Great photo on my FB page here:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips
2X your life
- http://www.earlytorise.com/xx-your-life/

Don't wait for the 'time to be right' (i.e. until it's too late) to take action on your goals. If there's something you really want to do - if there is a dream body you want to achieve or a change in life you need - then find a way to do it now.

Set aside all your excuses and raise yourself up. You can do it. After all, someone just like you, starting from worse circumstances already has. Do your best today. There's no one stopping you but you.

"Instead of putting others down, try improving yourself instead. The only person you have a right to compete with is YOU. In the meantime, treat others how you'd like to be treated. One trait that some of the best (communicators) share is EMPATHY. A couple of kind words can not only make a person's day, but earn you a friend and supporter for life. For the rest of the week, whenever you see someone you want to judge negatively, pay them a compliment instead. See what happens." - Neil Strauss

"Reject fear, greed, and doubt." - Bedros Keuilian

Reject the wrong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - If you are struggling in business (an open letter to you)
- http://internetindependence.com/are-youstruggling

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