Thursday, September 27, 2012

German Cheat Meal

After a couple of days at home chauffeuring Bally the Dog
around to his various appointments (yes, he has the life), it's
time for me to head out on the road again.
This weekend I'm off to Germany, and I'll be bringing you 
some really cool bodyweight circuit hotel room workouts and
hotel gym dumbbell workouts, plus many exciting adventures
from Oktoberfest. (How do you say "Turbulence" in German?)
While I'm gone, I plan to (strategically, of course) eat the ONE
food that we can all get away with eating once in a while.
And my cheat meal will occur in the "Hippodrom" tent at Oktoberfest 
next Thursday. (Just translated it, Turbulence is Turbulenzen!)
Done right, cheating will ADD to your fat loss efforts.
Done wrong of course, and you can make things worse.
Fortunately, the right way is the easy way and it just involves
controlling a simple hormone for fat just a few seconds.
In fact, if you don't learn to control this hormone, you can pretty
much forget about losing fat really is that BIG of a
deal. So if you're struggling, you MUST read this article.

SEVENTEEN "Cheat" Foods that Burn Belly Fat FAST <------- free access

Auf Wiedersehen goooodbyyyye (sing it like the kids from The Sound of Music),

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Stay tuned for awesome 4-minute bodyweight interval workouts...
...from Germany next week.
I'll be training a few of my friends that are going on the trip with me.
Plus, we are doing a few really cool adventures (not just Oktoberfest).
Have a great weekend.

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