Thursday, August 23, 2012

Worst Part of a Tough Mudder

Friday morning, tomorrow, will be my first heavy lifting session since the Tough Mudder. Looking forward to it. I've stayed active this week, but had a few sore spots that needed extra recovery.

That's the worst part about doing a Tough Mudder. It ruins your heavy lifting for 2 weeks. Now of course, once in a while a break is good. But I just had a break with my 10-day trip to Europe. Time to get back to lifting.

I posted a nice photo of my dog over at It shows the dog is wise.

He knows that training in the morning is the best way to avoid missed workouts. It's not easy, but that which is worth it rarely is. If you struggle to maintain training consistency later in the day, make a move to morning workouts.

Today's Training Resource:
Awesome ab finisher from Mike Whitfield (just 2 reps, I can do 2 reps...over and over)

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Only by getting started will you know if you are going in the right direction. Don't hesitate. Fail forward. Take massive action. Learn from your experiences and improve everything as you go.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - "Always give without remembering. Always receive without forgetting." – William Barclay

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