Friday, August 10, 2012

Pushup Workout Challenge

Here's a pushup workout challenge that I've been doing for years. I even had the kids do it at the bootcamps I was teaching in Lithuania the other week, and they loved it.

It's Martin Rooney's Push-up Addiction Test.

He's a world-famous strength coach Martin Rooney, and this was in the April 2010 issue of Men's Health.

The Rules

1) After a warm-up, you are going to do push-ups for 3 minutes.

2) You can rest whenever you want - but the clock keeps running.

3) You must do every repetition with perfect form.

4) Pace yourself however you'd like...Rooney says to take a 15-second break once you start to slow down after your first burst. Then take longer breaks is you get more tired. Do NOT go to total fatigue.

5) Rooney even provides these "standards" for men.

Add up the total number of reps you perform in 3 minutes:

< 55 reps = below average
55-74 reps = Average
75-99 reps = Good
100-110 reps = Excellent
>111 reps = Extraordinary

The first time I did the challenge I got just over 100 reps.

Alas, I don't have similar numbers for women.

HOWEVER...I do know a woman who can help you improve your score...and she'd probably be able to do 150 reps in 3-minutes. After all, she can do 100 pushups STRAIGHT.

Find out how she does it here

I know you can do more pushups and pullups.

Now for DIET.

I know you can get closer to your goal of getting ripped. Here's how. I've been getting ripped with the gluten free diet (my daily meal plan this week)


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Yesterday was a bad day. Everything went wrong. But then I was reminded by my friend Bedros Keuilian to be grateful for all the little things, and I realized that we all have it better than the Kings and Queens of even just 100 years ago. Life is much easier than most of us make it out to be. So stay positive, be grateful, and take advantage of all the opportunities and gifts we have been given.

Don't get upset by things you can't control. Just work on improving everything else. Keep moving ahead. Do the best you can do with what you have right now.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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