Friday, August 03, 2012

Cable Upper Body Workout and Off to Stockholm

Sitting in the Bergen, Norway airport right now, getting ready to fly to Stockholm. Fortunately, I'm taking an airplane because my arms are tired from my morning workout.

Down in the dingy little hotel gym, armed only with a Techno-Gym cable stack (and my bodyweight), I did pullups, pushups, presses, rows, pulldowns, lateral raises and some meathead arms. Good times.

Followed that with another big breakfast of eggs, vegetables, fruit and nuts. That should provide adequate sustenance for my journey. We'll be doing lots of walking in Stockholm.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Success = Adding Value + Hard Work + Personal Responsibility + Living Life on Your Own Terms

Do MORE than what is expected of you, not LESS than what you are capable of. You have been given great gifts. Earn the rewards that those gifts make possible.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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