Monday, July 23, 2012

Last Lifting Session

This was my last lifting session before my 10 day trip to Europe. On Tuesday night I leave for Copenhagen. After a layover, it's on to Vilnius, Lithuania for a few days. Looks like it's hot and sunny there.

Each year we run this for young entrepreneurs. Then, after the camp wraps up, it's on to Bergen, Norway, for hiking in the fjords. I'll be packing some warmer clothes for this part of the trip. Looks a little cool there (10 degress celcius at night).

I also plan to watch all 3 films from the Lord Of the Rings Trilogy during my travels. I've only watched the third one (in theater, back in the day). Last night I made it 30 minutes of the way through film 1.

And while I'm gone, I might only lift once or twice. So today's session was the last for a while.

Today's training: Hang clean, deadlift, front squat, good mornings.

Not bad.

BTW, don't miss the $7 deal we have going on Simple Nutrition here until Wednesday.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:

Who you associate with is more important than you could ever imagine. Do not accept anything less than the best - otherwise you are cheating yourself. Do not hang around folks that peer pressure you into poor lifestyle choices.

And we must stop listening to those whose criticism is only delivered to hurt us. Look for good, positive people. They ARE out there, online and offline.

If you aren't finding good people now, it just means you are going to the wrong places. Look outside your comfort zone.

Surround yourself with good, positive people…and some that are more successful than you, as you define it. These people will bring out the best in you…helping you "play up a level".

And always help others, the more they benefit, the more you will benefit in return.

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation." - Brian Tracy

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Because what else are you going to do? Quit?

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