Monday, June 11, 2012

The Real Tough Mudder Review

"Cover your head and run as fast as you can. Oh, and don't slip
in the mud or trip over the obstacles."
That's my advice for you if you ever do a Tough Mudder challenge race
and come to the "ElectroShock Therapy" obstacle. I was proud to say
that the shocks didn't knock me out...but I heard the spectators laughing
at me as I ran through (video evidence coming soon!).
I did my first Tough Mudder on Saturday in Beaver Creek, Colorado, and
my time was 2 hours and 50 minutes. (Average time is 4 hours.)
One of my friends, who turns 50 next month, used my TT Adventure 
Race Training program to prepare and he finished in 2 hours, 55 minutes
and he said the race was EASY. (All finishers earned this cool headband.)
The race also taught me a new motto that you'll probably be hearing from
me more often.

Strong and Steady Wins the Race. (Or at least finishes it.)

Not slow and steady, but STRONG and STEADY.

That's what I kept saying to my buddy Jeff as we ate up the
distance with each step...with each tough stride forward higher
and higher during the ascent to the top of Beaver Creek resort.
Stay strong.

Stay steady.

Strong. Steady. Strong. Steady.

It was really helpful to me in those big climbs, and I want you to use
that motto as you work through the obstacles in your life.
You're tough. TT Tough.
You're Strong. And you'll Stay Steady.
Keep pushing.
Make this an amazing week where you overcome obstacles in your life.


Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - You'll be interested to know that...
...the Tough Mudder race supports Wounded Warriors.
And there was a gentleman with a prosthetic leg who started in
our group, and he finished 3 hours after us, but dang, that's the
REAL definition of TOUGH.
He's a fighter, just like you.
He pushed strong. (Like you will.)
He stayed steady. (Like you do.)
Keep on pushing over the obstacles in your life.
Stay Strong and Steady For Life.

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