Friday, June 29, 2012

Power Fat Loss Loses Out To Meathead Training

Due to popular demand, I've been working on a new "Power MRT Fat Loss Program". Today's plan was to experiment with the circuits on some (human) guinea pigs.

Going to release it as a bonus for John Romaniello's SuperHeroFatLoss program on July 17th. Fun stuff, I promise you.

Unfortunately, today's experimental Power Fat Loss MRT workout deteriorated into a TRX Meathead arms session. Oooops.

By the way, don't forget about this sweet #Meatheads workout deal to kick-off summer

To my surprise, hundreds of men AND women have grabbed a copy since I made it available last night at 5pm.

And here's why...all of the magazines and other non-TT programs they've tried have left them with the wrong type of body.

Too many men and women are focused on losing weight when they already have the dreaded "skinny-fat" body.

The solution is not to do lots of running, like a soccer player, but to become a silly old Meathead like me.

So if you need to get lean and gain muscle, here's your solution.

Get The Muscle You Want In The Least Amount Of Time <= ($7 system)

You'll train 3 to 4 days per week.

You'll use the best multi-muscle, metabolic,lean mass building movements
possible. And you'll do it all according to proper training guidelines, so you
won't end up with injured elbows, shoulders, backs, or knees.

I've put this system on sale for the first time ever because it's summer, and
everyone wants to be lean and showing off their muscles.

Get the Meatheads System for $7 here

Get a better body fast before summer runs out

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"Success comes to those who become success-conscious. If you don't aim at an object, how do you think you can get it?" — Bruce Lee, Striking Thoughts

You must look at what could be, not what is. You can change. Things can be different. It's up to you. So much can be accomplished with a long-term vision and resilience to short-term setbacks.

Every minute you procrastinate on adding value to the world, someone out there continues to suffer because they aren't getting your help. That makes you a big meanie, so stop procrastinating, and start taking action to help more people. Complete your solution-to-their-problems and get it out to the world.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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