Monday, June 25, 2012

New Workout and Nutrition Ideas

The August Men's Health is packed with new exercise ideas and helpful high performance training tips - grab it. I have back to back fitness info jacks on pages 56 and 58.

Today's training: Bench, DB Row, DB press, CSR row, bodyweight triceps extensions, and ring pullups (neutral grip). The rows were high reps so I had an upper back pump…those aren't common among your normal gym rat, but they are sure are interesting.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
We cannot control what others do or say, but we have TOTAL control over how we think and act. We don't have to be angry, jealous or sad. We can be strong, optimistic, and positive. Control your mind, control your days, control your weeks, control your life.

Whatever is in your way, you're stronger than it, you're tougher than it, and you're better than it. You're going to beat it. #MondayMottoforLife

Done your vision yet? If not, watch this free video for help

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – A few of the Olympic athletes profiled in the Men's Health magazine are gluten free.

Try The Gluten Free Diet Solution today for just $4.95 here.

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