Thursday, June 14, 2012

Certified Dog Human Whisperer Alert

Woof, woof.
Dr. Bally the Dog here, dogcologist, aka, the "Human Whisperer".
I've come to the conclusion that my human, Bally the Human, (aka
Turbulence Trainer, Craig Ballantyne) is certifiably insane.
You see, he's created over 130 Turbulence Training workouts, and 
he's practically giving them away today for just $97.
However, I plan on curing him by midnight tonight through some human
walks and belly rubs (mine, not his), and so the deal will end tonight.
So for the rest of today only, you can get access to ALL of the 131
Turbulence Training workouts that the insane Bally the Human has
created, PLUS every workout he'll create over the next 12 months...all
for just one single investment of $97. 
That's less than 77 cents per workout program.
Best. Deal. Ever. Get it here:
=> Last chance to save $100 and get ALL of the TT Workouts <= (expires tonight)

But hurry, today is the last day to take advantage of this sale, and
then the price doubles at midnight.
Not only would it help you out big time, but now he'll be able to pay
his dogcologist bills. (After all, my dogcology "human whisperer"
methods aren't cheap!)
Help yourself today,

Dr. Bally the Dog, DMD, DPh.D,
Certified Dog
aka, "The Human Whisperer"

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I wanna know more information about it.
