Monday, May 21, 2012

Tough Mudder Training and Success Tips

Today's training for me: Practiced some Tough Mudder obstacles, mostly monkey bars.

One of the most interesting nutrition interviews I've done in a long time (audio and transcript available) - he's convinced me to at least have the genetic testing done

Today's best from our

Q: I recently 'inherited' a group of individuals who do not trust each other, plenty of gossip and a history of damaging characters, etc. i m working on building a strong team. please share some tips. tnx.

Live by example and share your vision with the group.

Q: Best way to start a self hosted website?

Buy a domain from godaddy, and build the site using Wordpress. Start adding great content - write 1000 word articles on your six most important topics. And if you are serious about this, get Financial Independence Monthly. We cover everything in great detail there -

Q: Hey Craig! Let's say I have a great idea or product. What is some of the best ways to start building relationships online with mentors-affiliates? They get several people approaching them and I'd like to build report first, how can I stand out!?

Aimee - The best way is to sell their products first, then send them a nice email telling them that you love their product and their work, that you've made some sales for them, and provide them with a specific testimonial as to how their products have helped you or one of your readers. You could also send them a book or small gift based on something they have mentioned in one of their emails or posts. Essentially, be cool, and show them that you are adding value to the world. And always be taking action that gets noticed. To put it simply, be the kind of positive person that people would want to associate with.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
It's always darkest before the dawn. There will be days when you struggle. That's okay. Just never give up. Everyone goes through days like this, but not quitting is what separates success from failure. Stay strong.

Deliver the message that you're here to give. Don't hold back. Say it with confidence, with pride, and determination. Persist, and never give up.

Live every day with purpose. Live every day according to your mission and your plan. Have a vision for what you want to accomplish, and act in congruence with it.

How to beat procrastination

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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