Saturday, May 26, 2012

Major Transformation Announcement

Less than 3 days remain for you to enter the 14th Turbulence
Training Transformation Contest.
(Details below about the BEST diet and workout combo for
people to lose fat - proven by multiple past winners...)
This is your chance to win $1000 just for losing your belly fat.
In the past, we've had winners from over half-a-dozen countries,
including Hungary, Australia, Spain, Canada, and America. And
come Tuesday, May 29th, four people, perhaps even YOU will
be on their way to winning in our four categories:
Men Over 40, Women Over 40, Men Under 40, & Women Under 40
It could be you...IF you use the BEST training and diet combination.
That proven combination?
Brad Pilon's ESE and the TT Buff Dudes-Hot Chicks (BDHC) workout.
And when you get Brad's diet program, I'll give you the proven TT BDHC
workout for free.

That's right, Brad has made it new and improved by expanding the 
content with new chapters on:
1) Fat loss hormonal manipulation
2) Cellular cleansing
3) Hunger suppression
You'll even discover how to optimize this easy eating plan as Brad 
shows he's been using it for over 6 years to stay at single-digit body
fat while exercising just a couple of times per week.
This combination of Brad's diet and the TT BDHC program has been used
more times by past contest winners than any other workout or diet program. 

Remember, once you have Brad's ESE program, send me an email to:

And I'll send you the TT Buff Dudes-Hot Chicks program for free.
There are no more excuses. You have EVERYTHING you need 
to finally make that body transformation.
Ready? Let's go.
I'm challenging you to be as healthy as possible for the next 12 weeks.
To avoid all man-made foods. To do a great workout or at least stay
active for 30 minutes. And to avoid as much negativity while being
as positive and optimistic as possible.
How could that approach possibly hurt?
Get started now

Time to transform your body and your life,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


  1. Nice info about Turbulence Training Review

  2. Here at Turbulence Training, the typical 7 days is being reduced into thrice a week session with forty five minutes training. It’s a time saving and yet effective in losing fats.
