Saturday, May 05, 2012

Bodyweight Cardio

Woke up full of energy and ready to go, so I tested out the June TT Bodyweight Cardio 5 program in my hotel room. Had a great time at Jay Ferruggia's wedding last night with Alwyn & Rachel Cosgrove, Zach Even-Esh, John Alvino, Keith & Lisa Scott, and of course, Jay and Jen. It was quite the party.

Back to Toronto this morning. Gotta get ready for a big week at Turbulence Training.

It starts tomorrow...Turbulence Training Transformation Contest #14. Your chance to win $1000 -

Yesterday was a great day in Jersey, too.

Renegade Gym workout with Jay and Rachel and Alwyn Cosgrove. Upper body plus prowler pushes. And then Jay made us all go out for a bit of a weird post-training meal.

And before that, Jay and I also went to the mall this morning. Can't go to Jersey without going to the mall.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
It's your life and doing the right thing is more important than what other people think or say about you. Stay strong. Get stronger.

"Something I learned early is to not worry about what I can't control...But what I can control is my attitude, my effort, and my focus every single day." - Tim Tebow

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - You want to get more done in less time?

Finally, my Time Management book is up on Amazon for you


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