Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Workouts in Hong Kong

After arriving in Hong Kong, we walked around and went to Soho Spice, a Vietnamese restaurant. Got back around 10pm and slept till 3am. But I couldn't sleep any longer so I got did intervals in the hotel gym at 4:30am while watching the Barca-AC game live. Time zones are weird.

Had some breakfast, then went back and did an upper body meathead workout with pulldowns, pushups and light dumbbells.

Then some more walking and brainstorming with my business partner.

If you're ever in Hong Kong, go the "Coast" restaurant and get the warm lamb salad for lunch. That was really good.

Time to head to the airport and off to Bangkok.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
"The world doesn't owe me anything. I must earn everything." The sooner I understood this, the happier I became knowing my life is in my hands.

There is no "pill" for life. Nothing will solve your problems like work, planning, commitment, consistency, and perseverance. You can't put those in a pill or get those from the government.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Wisdom from Matt Smith's 4-year old daughter today: "Everyone's stronger than they think they are." --- Don't forget that this week, no matter what happens. You're stronger than you think.

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